Wednesday, May 12, 2010


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(1) Central Bank

Pursuant to Bangladesh Bank order,1972 the Government
of bangladesh reorganized the Dhaka branch
of the State Bank of Pakistan as the central bank
of the country,and named it Bangladesh Bank with
retrospective effect from 16th December,1971.


(2)Nationalized Commercial Bank

The banking system of Bangladesh is dominated by the 4 Nationalized Commercial Banks,
which together controlled more than 54% of deposits and operated 3388 braches
(54% of the total) as of December 31,2004. The Nationalized Commercial Banks are:

Sonali Bank

Janata Bank


Rupali Bank

Agrani Bank

(3) Private Commercial Banks:

Private banks are the hight growth sector due to the dismal performances of government

banks(above). They tend to offer better service and products.

BRAC Bank Limited

Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited



Premier Bank Ltd

Jamuna Bank Limited (JBL)

Pubali Bank Limited


Southeast Bank Ltd

Eastern Bank Limited


AB Bank



The 16th December is a memorable day in the history of Bangladesh. It is Victory Day of Bangladesh after nine month bloody battle against Pakistan.This day Bangladesh came into being and occupied an existence in the world map as an independent country. Actually the Victory Day is the pride and glory of the Bengali. It was a victory against injustice, tyranny, Oppression and falsehood.

The Eid is the greatest religious festival of the Muslims. Two Eids come to them in a year. One of them is Eid-ul-Fitr and the other is Eid-ul-Azha. These are occasions of pleasure and enjoyment. We learn something from Eid, that there is no distinction between man and man.

Pohela Boishak is the 1st day of Bangla calendar. It also known as Naba Barsha, the traditional Bengali New year. People greet each other by saying Shubo Noboborsho (Happy New Year). It is a very exciting day of Bengali people around the world.


GLbI ejv nqwb
me bv ejv K_v
ïay nvivevi f‡q
Avkvi cÖ`xc †R¡‡j
`ynvZ evwo‡q WvwKwb †Zvgvq
ïay bv cvIqvi f‡q.....

GLbI ¸bv nqwb
AvKv‡ki me Zviv
¯^wcœj Abyf‡e
`yR‡b GKmv‡_ ¸b‡ev e‡j.....

GLbI MvIqv nqwb
fv‡jvevmvi Mvb
wbi‡e fv‡jvevmx e‡j.....


‡Zvgvi Rb¨
Avgvi me KweZv †jLv
GKvš— Aem‡i
fv‡jvjvMvi Mvb ïbv.....

‡Zvgvi Rb¨
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Qwe AvuKv.....

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g‡bi hZ K_v
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‰P‡Îi LiZv‡c hw` ïwK‡q hvq cÖvY
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Pvu` n‡q †`Lv †`e
AvKv‡k †Zvgvi.......


Avwg cvi‡evbv †g‡b wb‡Z
Ab¨ Kv‡iv ey‡K
‡Zvgvi emevm.....

Avwg cvi‡evbv †g‡b wb‡Z
‡Zvgvi myß evmbvq
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AÜKv‡i wg‡Q gvqvq
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Amxg ïb¨Zvq Qz‡U Pjv ‡Kvb cw_‡Ki b¨vq
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‡h myi ï‡b †f‡ewQ
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Avwg ¯^cœ †`wL
Zzwg my‡L Av‡Qv e‡j
Avwg my‡L AvwQ.....

Zzwg RvMvI e‡j
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Avwg K_v ewj.....
Zzwg cv‡k Av‡Qv e‡j
Avwg KweZv wjwL
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Avwg fv‡jvevwm......


wbtwðQ`ª ivwÎ myLv‡eM Qwo‡q
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Zzlvive„Z wngevn †cwi‡q
Qz‡U Pwj †gi“cÖv‡š—
Avi KZ `~i
fv‡jvevmvi mxgvbv.....


‡Zvgvi AvKv‡k
GKUz VvB w`I Avgvq
KLbI †gN n‡ev
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‡Zvgvi DVv‡bi
GKUz †iŠ`ª w`I Avgvq
wbSzg iv‡Z Nywg‡q †M‡j
GKLvbv ¯^cœ †`e †Zvgvq....


‡Mvayjx †ejvq
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‡RvQbv †avqv iv‡Z
Zviv fiv AvKv‡ki w`‡K ZvwK‡q
wbt¯^ã gb †Zvgv‡KB Ly‡R.....

‡Kvjvnjnxb wb¯—ä cÖn‡i
iv‡Zi wbiveZvq
‡Zvgvi c`aŸwb ïb‡Z cvB
fvwe Zzwg G‡m‡Qv wd‡i.....

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cÖwZwU w`b cªwZwU ivZ
cÖwZwU Aem‡i
‡Zvgvi K_vB fvwe
fve‡ev Abš—Kv‡j....


hw` Zzwg nI i“cvjx Pvu`
Avwg n‡ev †m Pvu‡`i †RvQbv
Zzwg P‡j †M‡j
AvwgI _vK‡ev bv....

Zzwg hw` nI cÖfvwZ dzj
Avwg n‡ev †m dz‡ji gvjv
w`evwbwk ivL‡ev M‡j
Ggwb Avcb K‡i....

Zzwg hw` nI i“cmx b`x
Avwg ne †m b`xi †gvnbv
Av‡e‡Mi Zzwj w`‡q
iv½v‡ev wgjb‡gjv....

Zzwg hw` nI †mvbvjx ¯^cœ
wbev©K †cÖ‡gi †Kvgj †Qvqv
Z…òv_© g‡b †`e
‰P‡Îi †iv‡`jv fv‡jvevmv....


I love my sweet country. in my free time i do some drawing and painting. I draw what i see everyday in my country. All picture are real and from my childhood memory...

The moonlight i seen from my window..

Sunset in my village...

A farmer going to field with cow and langol. This is a common view in Bangladeshi villages...
A farmer watching his farm...
Bangladeshi fisherman...
A river side women going to get water with kolshi...


Bangladesh is very prone to natural disasters. Every year she is affected by various common natural disasters like floods, cyclones, tidal-bores, droughts etc.

Flood is a common natural calamity in Bangladesh. Almost every year Bangladesh suffers from flood. Flood causes a big loss of our life, property and crops. It washes away villages, roads and even peoples houses. Many human lives are lost. All the communication is suspended. People become homeless. They take shelter on the high roads, schools and colleges.

The after affected of flood are more dangerous. After flood epidemic and famine break out. The areas affected by flood become muddy and unhealthy. There is scarcity of pure drinking water. The price of all daily necessities go up.

Floods do some good to us. It makes our lands fertile by depositing silt. It washes away filth and dirt.

Natural disasters are very common in Bangladesh due to her peculiar geography. The funnel shapped coast helps cyclones which are formed in the Bay of Bengal to land in Bangladesh. Cyclone is the most devastating form which causes serious harm in our country. Some of the most destructive cyclones of the last century were those of 1970, 1985 and 1991. Recently, on 15 November of 2007, a violent cyclone named SIDR affected Bangladesh. It was stronger than all other previous cyclones in Bangladesh.




Shaheed Day

The 21st february is a red letter day in our national life. On this day in 1952, the brave sons of our motherland laid down their lives to protect the interest of our mother language.Since then we had been observing this day as "Shaheed Day". But in 1999, UNESCO declared this day as "International Mother Language Day". We used to celebrate the day at our national level because it was not only importent regarding our mother tongue. The teaching of the day is that we all should respect the mother languages of others. Our mother language is our unique possession. In the same way, other peoples mother languages are also priceless to them.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Bangladesh is a country of rivers. All of the rivers fall into the Bay of Bengal. Many cities, markets and villages stand on both sides of the rivers. In the rainy season the rivers hold terrible shape. But in the winter they remain very calm.

This is my Motherland. Her name is Bangladesh. How beautiful our Bangladesh is! In the morning and evening there is golden colour in her sky. The silvery moon is seen at night. Her fields are covered with golden crops and villages with green colour. I am great lucky that i am born in this country.